👉 208 players registered
🌎 21 nations represented
👩💻 621 matches played
🎾 57 broken balls
🏟️ 15 court created
🎁 10 committed sponsors
🏅 99 medals distributed
and 1000 thanks to you 💋💋💋
Numbers that make us dizzy for a first edition organized in just 3 months!
Therefore we’d like to first of all thank Déborah @deborahrudetzki, Vincent @vincentdegeoffroy and Ronan @ronan.pb for their involvement in this project. Then to all the Parisian pickleball fans, players or not, who came to help us during these 3 days of a marathon which we would not have been able to face without them. We also don’t forget the Rose des Vents Tennis Club @tennis.rosedesvents and its many volunteers.
And obviously nothing would have been possible without our sponsors, who were there from this first edition and spoiled you during these 3 days: Brasserie de la Goutte d'Or @bieresgouttedor, Decathlon @decathlon, Franklin @franklinpickleball, Gamma @gammapickleball, Head @head_pickleball, Herbalife @ripapayes, Joola @joolapickleball, Skechers @skechers_france, Wilson @wilson, Zcebra @z.cebra and 100% Pickleball @100pourcentpickleball.
Finally, a little nod to the Pickleball Paris players who won some great medals:
🥉 Deborah (@deborahrudetzki) in women singles 19+ 3.0
🥇 Pascale (@pascalecolombier) in women singles 19+ 3.0
🥉 Deborah in womens doubles 19+ 3.0
🥇 Garret (@pickleballdefrance) and Guillaume (@guillaumcarlier) in Mens doubles 19+ 4.0
🥈 Matthieu (@matteo_duv) and Romain (@raoul_hadrien) in Mens doubles 19+ 3.0
🥉 Jean-Noël and Mauricio (@mauricio_branco_soares) in Mens doubles 50+ 4.0
🥉 Déborah and Hadrien in Mixed doubles 19+ 3.0
📢 All the results are on our website.
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